by Nasrine Metic


My birthday fav

First time we made it was for Christmas 2021 in London!!

Ingredients (metric)

  • oat milk
  • 250 Lasagne sheets (dry)
  • ragout sauce (already made, see recipe on ragout)
  • mushrooms de Paris, thinly sliced
  • prosciutto crudo, cut into small pieces
  • mozzarella, chopped into small pieces
  • butter for buttering the pan
  • grated cheddar/gruyère cheese


Butter the oven dish

Preheat the oven at 180°C/Fan

Boil the lasagne sheets for 4 min in salted water (look at package indications). Before boiling the lasagne sheets, make sure to separate them individually

Drain the pasta and let it run under cold water for a minute

The layering begins!

Start by adding some ragout sauce at the bottom

Then you will have to repeat the following steps at least to create 4-5 layers

add lasagne sheets

add ragout sauce

add mozzarella

add mushroooms

add prosciutto crudo

add some milk

and start again by adding lasagne sheets

you can also add some gratted cheese in between the layers

When you reach the end layer just add ragout sauce and milk and grated cheese

Bake for 40 min approximatively a 180°C fan

Tip: we had then put it in the fridge overnight, and reheated the lasagne, adding milk, grated cheese